Book Galleries and Lists
Inappropriate Books
Found in NC Schools
The books seen on our site have been read and reviewed by our team and other groups working together nationally. These books are available in school media centers and libraries in North Carolina. The PEP Team partnered with Rated Books to show a growing group of books that have questionable content and graphics. These books are also often available in classroom libraries or as digital media.
We believe:
Parents have a right to know what is available to their children in the schools and through media.
Many books are age inappropriate, promote harmful ideologies, include explicit sexual and violent content, and should not be available to children for group or independent reading in public school without parental knowledge and consent. Most books are developmentally inappropriate for elementary, middle schools or high school students.
Rubrics and rating scales should be used choosing books for children. Rated Books provides a method for evaluating books using a rubric or rating scale similar to the movie industry. Parents and guardians will find it helpful when determining if a book is suitable for their child.
School staff must evaluate books with a more detailed and rigorous rating tool when purchasing books and addressing book challenges. See below.
Red flag systems and secluded books behind a librarian's desk will not be enough to keep inappropriate literature out of a child's hands. It will require media specialists or staff to become book police, wasting precious time and resources in management.
Parent must take action. The mental health of our young is at stake. We can no longer trust that the adults in charge hold or promote values similar to yours.​​
Book Search List
Sexually Inappropriate
Harmful to Minors Books
Book Search Lists
PRINTABLE Search Lists
PEP Book Search List of Inappropriate &
Harmful to Minors Books
PEP Book Search List
Gender Ideology
Picture Book List
for Elementary Schools
Evaluating Children's Books for Media Centers and Libraries
School districts throughout our country struggle to find a tool that educators can use in decision making which books to purchase and when evaluating challenged books for their content and placement. While none is perfect, the policy and model used in Keller Independent School District, Texas is one of the best we have seen to date.
Rating scales used in North Carolina should adhere to NC § 14-190.1. Obscene literature and exhibitions. It can be viewed here.

OPT in or OPT out..Student Access to
Ebooks and Audio Books Through
Public Libraries
Many school districts offer access to ebooks located within nearby public libraries. Some use app links to Sora, Libby, or Overdrive. Most participating schools in NC use a program called Student Access. We believe this was a practice that began during Covid shut down with the intention of providing reading material to all students. Many districts have continued the practice, along with a program called NCKids Digital, funded by the NC General Assembly. NC Cardinal is a program of the State Library of North Carolina, supported by grant funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Federal Library Services and Technology Act. These apps and programs are available to students on the school issued devices. We are concerned that filters are not in place and may leave students vulnerable. We are also concerned that some of the books included would introduce gender identity and ideology to students before 4th grade. Parents need to thoroughly explore the practices and policies of their district regarding these apps. If you believe your child is at risk, don't hesitate to OPT OUT of these programs. There are other apps that we will discuss at a later date.
Sample from Henderson County

Sample from
Iredell-Statesville Schools