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    Support the Pavement Education Project's work with your donation. The Pavement Education Project is a volunteer, non-partisan, non-profit 501 (c )(4) organization. We need your help keeping our website up, supporting projects within North Carolina communities, and assisting with our clean read book give aways. DONATE

  • The Pavement Education Project | developmentally inappropriate books in NC schools

    The Pavement Education Project is a nonpartisan initiative to educate North Carolinians by informing, engaging, and mobilizing communities for positive change in education. NC school district listings of inappropriate or obscene books found in the library and through apps are on the website. Informing, engaging, and mobilizing communities for positive change in education Visit the Books We Love page for gift giving ideas for all ages. CLICK HERE Celebrate Black History Month Purchase these great books and share with kids and teens Click here to learn more and purchase. Click here to learn more and purchase. Click here to learn more and purchase. Executive Orders...Many Affecting Education How will state and local leaders respond? 2023-2024 NC School Proficiency North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card North Carolina School Report Card Reproducir Click below for the state, district, and/or school proficiency scores. Take a closer look at WCPSS School Progress Reports Contact/Join Our Team View the academic achievement of North Carolina students here. Choose the county, then the district. You may view academics as far back as 2015. The NC Parents' Bill of Rights SL 2023-106.enumerates the rights of parents to direct the upbringing, education, health care, and mental health of their minor children. Enacted July 16, 2023. Effective August 15, 2023. Catherine Truitt, NC State Superintendent requested a delay in implementation until January 1, 2024. School districts across the state are rewriting policies. The public needs to take notice of the changes. NC Parents' Bill of Rights What School Board Policy Changes Have Been Made in Your Child's District? Some NC school districts post the Parents Bill of Rights on the district webpage. Some districts do not post it anywhere. Even worse, some are writing board policy in direct conflict with the Parents Bill of Rights. Do your diligence and ask how your schools are adhering to policies regarding parent notification and the restriction of sexual identity concepts or materials before 4th grade. Contact us if you see violations. GO REPORT INCIDENTS Stop the Viewing of Sexually Inappropriate Material on Public School Devices We need your help to stop North Carolina schools from ignoring the harm being done to innocent children when they access adult websites on school devices. This is happening in the classroom, on the bus and at home. Please take a few minutes to hear from one mom’s experience in Wake County. See the blog: Pornography on School-Issued Device If you know of a family that has been impacted by this issue, please have them contact us . With enough complaints, legal action might proceed. It’s time to hold the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, the Board of Education, and District School Boards accountable for violating obscenity laws and for not protecting minors from sexual content on school devices. Contact Us/Join Our Team


    Amazon purchases that support our work. Click on the image to see details and then make your purchase. Save America by Donald Trump Why America Matters by Dr Ben Carson


    Printable lists of inappropriate books, book rating systems, Student Access, etc Book Galleries and Lists Inappropriate Books Found in NC Schools The books seen on our site have been read and reviewed by our team and other groups working together nationally. These books are available in school media centers and libraries in North Carolina. The PEP Team partnered with Rated Books to show a growing group of books that have questionable content and graphics. These books are also often available in classroom libraries or as digital media. We believe: Parents have a right to know what is available to their children in the schools and through media. Many books are age inappropriate, promote harmful ideologies, include explicit sexual and violent content, and should not be available to children for group or independent reading in public school without parental knowledge and consent. Most books are developmentally inappropriate for elementary, middle schools or high school students. Rubrics and rating scales should be used choosing books for children. Rated Books provides a method for evaluating books using a rubric or rating scale similar to the movie industry. Parents and guardians will find it helpful when determining if a book is suitable for their child. School staff must evaluate books with a more detailed and rigorous rating tool when purchasing books and addressing book challenges. See below. Red flag systems and secluded books behind a librarian's desk will not be enough to keep inappropriate literature out of a child's hands. It will require media specialists or staff to become book police, wasting precious time and resources in management. Parent must take action. The mental health of our young is at stake. We can no longer trust that the adults in charge hold or promote values similar to yours. Check my Child's School Book Galleries Rated Books Gender Ideology Obscene Gallery Obscene Gallery 2 PEP BY AUTHOR Book Search List Sexually Inappropriate Harmful to Minors Books 8/22/2024 Book Search Lists PRINTABLE Search Lists 7/26/24 PEP Book Search List of Inappropriate & Harmful to Minors Books PEP Book Search List Gender Ideology Picture Book List for Elementary Schools North Carolina Book Locations Check my Child's School If you do not see your child's school district, it may be in the works. We could use your assistance to complete the work. Join our team. Join our Team Evaluating Children's Books for Media Centers and Libraries School districts throughout our country struggle to find a tool that educators can use in decision making which books to purchase and when evaluating challenged books for their content and placement. While none is perfect, the policy and model used in Keller Independent School District, Texas is one of the best we have seen to date. Rating scales used in North Carolina should adhere to NC § 14-190.1. Obscene literature and exhibitions. It can be viewed here. View KISD documents here COMPREHENSIVE RATING SCALE Other Rating Scales Click on the ICON to view. Entertainment Software Rating Board OPT in or OPT out..Student Access to Ebooks and Audio Books Through Public Libraries Many school districts offer access to ebooks located within nearby public libraries. Some use app links to Sora, Libby, or Overdrive. Most participating schools in NC use a program called Student Access. We believe this was a practice that began during Covid shut down with the intention of providing reading material to all students. Many districts have continued the practice, along with a program called NCKids Digital, funded by the NC General Assembly. NC Cardinal is a program of the State Library of North Carolina, supported by grant funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Federal Library Services and Technology Act. These apps and programs are available to students on the school issued devices. We are concerned that filters are not in place and may leave students vulnerable. We are also concerned that some of the books included would introduce gender identity and ideology to students before 4th grade. Parents need to thoroughly explore the practices and policies of their district regarding these apps. If you believe your child is at risk, don't hesitate to OPT OUT of these programs. There are other apps that we will discuss at a later date. Sample from Henderson County Sample from Iredell-Statesville Schools Check the books in North Carolina Schools through the Book Locations/Schools Page Don't see your school district? Join our team and be part of a volunteer network. Contact Us/ Join Our Team

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    Negative impacts of childrns mental health, Effects of erotica on children, NC Data on Self Harm and Suicide UNDERSTANDING THE IMPACTS OF SOCIAL GENDER TRANSITIONING What Does the Research Say? The recent inclusion of gender identity into the anti-discrimination policies of the Wake County Public School System, among other districts, will mean that social transition of trans-identifying children and adolescents will be practiced by public schools. There are two sets of concerns arising from this action: (1.) What are the outcomes... read more NEGATIVE IMPACTS ON CHILDREN'S MENTAL HEALTH The effects of inappropriate material, pornography, and Covid shutdowns have negatively impacted the mental health of the young. Review of statistics show our children have increased sense of hopelessness and persistent feelings of sadness that has increased 40% between 2009-2019 for U.S. high school students. Some schools and school media centers in North Carolina are allowing sexually explicit content to be available to minors that puts students at HIGHER risk of anxiety, depression,isolation, sexual assault, and suicide. Why are we allowing this to happen to our children? Sixteen states have passed resolutions stating viewing pornography is a mental health crisis. At a crucial stage in brain development, exposure to pornography can change neural pathways that permanently affect a child's views of sex, people and real relationships. Sadly, pornography can also cause children to harm other children. When young children see pornography, they tend to practice it on others. See if your child's school district is on our website by looking on the book locations page. Explore further by clicking on the links. We do not include books located in classroom libraries or reading sets. You will need to ask teachers and administrators. If you feel as we do, we ask you to call your school, Superintendent, and General Assembly representatives, and sign our petition. This needs to change. We can and must protect our child's innocence. RESEARCH ON READING EROTICA AND RELATIONSHIPS Little research has been done to learn the effects of reading erotica and viewing erotic images on children or minors. For one thing, no responsible parent would want or allow their child to take part in such a study. For another, presenting such material to a minor is unethical and illegal. The only research that gives us clues is the data collected on changes within the adult brain after viewing pornography. Additionally, there has been research on reading erotica depicting a sexually dominant woman compared to a sexually dominant man. We will continue to add resources as they become available. Is Reading Erotica As Harmful As Watching Porn? Read More Grooming: Know the Warning Signs Read More Is There a Connection Between Violent Crime and Watching Porn? Read More The Association Between Exposure to Violent Pornography and Teen Dating Violence in Grade 10 High School Students Read More 15 Ways Porn is Connected to Real Sexual Violence Read More 5 Ways Pornography Harms Children and Teens Read More The Relationship Between Pornography Use and Harmful Sexual Behaviors Read More NORTH CAROLINA SUICIDE AND SELF INJURY DATA APRIL-JUNE 2023 Self-Inflicted Injury Update 8/9/2023 Suicidal Ideation in North Carolina 2020 NC Violent Death Reporting System A JOIN OUR TEAM

  • NC LAWS |

    North Carolina Statutes regarding material harmful to minors. NC STATE STATUTES HOW ARE NC LEGISLATORS DOING AT PROTECTING NC CHILDREN FROM... *SEXUALLY EXPLICIT TEXTS *AGE INAPPROPRIATE MATERIAL *TEACHING OF ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLE CHOICES *ONLINE PREDATORS *INTRUDERS WITHIN THE SCHOOLS? CONTACT THEM AND TELL THEM TO TAKE ACTION Email addresses below. NEW, BUT NOT PASSED BY THE SENATE Thursday, June 20, an amendment to House Bill 263 passed that will affects the selection and procurement of supplemental materials and challenges to both instructional and supplemental materials. New language was included that would prohibit materials from being obscene, inappropriate to age and grade level of the students, must be aligned with the standard course of study, and must not be pervasively vulgar. An appeal process is included that would make it possibly for parents to take legal recourse. We consider this a step in the right direction. We must protect our children and give them the resources needed for them to grow into happy, healthy, successful adults. BUT the Senate needs to pass it. Call you North Carolina Senator and ask them to PASS IT! Read more here. Page 57 is where most education related changes can be found: STALLED AND DID NOT PASS Parents and Guardians send their children to school with expectations that they will receive a good education, and have access to appropriate materials and texts. They also expect an environment in which their child's physical and mental health is protected. Content defined as obscene is now included in libraries and classrooms by North Carolina Statute § 14-190.13. Content may show graphic images or have descriptions of sexual acts. Please take note of North Carolina Statute § 14-190.15. It allows a defense for schools, libraries, and museums to have a pass. No one ever thought such inappropriate literature would appear within the walls of a school. Furthermore , some book titles appear to be in violation of the newly ratified SB 49: The Parents' Bill of Rights. § 115C-76.55. of SB 49 addresses the requirement for age-appropriate instruction for grades kindergarten through fourth grade. It states that " instruction on gender identity, sexual activity, or sexuality shall not be included in the curriculum provided in grades kindergarten through fourth grade, regardless of whether the information is provided by school personnel or third parties." It also prohibits the use of inappropriate inappropriate core and supplementary materials. Look at your child's school district and school on this website to see if there are inappropriate materials available to your child. Some books and materials available in schools may be in violation of NC General Statute 115C-81.30. Reproductive Health and Safety Education. This content and subject matter may lead children to question their own sexual identity. *The NC Department of Education is currently updating healthy living standards for K-8th grade. The PEP team is monitoring their work to make sure it is true to North Carolina Statutes. The Pavement Education Project team working with concerned citizens have identified a selection of books believed to be in violation of North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 14. Criminal Law § 14-190.1. Obscene literature and exhibitions. Other North Carolina General Statutes regarding Materials Harmful to Minors. Read Subchapter VII Offenses Against Public Morality and Decency Article 26 for the entire statute, definitions, and related offenses toward minors. Contact your legislators with your concerns related to this statute and the intent of the law. The PEP website shows books, book lists, and related information under the BOOKS tab. North Carolina school districts, books, and links to excerpts are shown under the LOCATIONS tab. If you are interested in assisting with book searches in your NC school district, we can help you get started. Book banning is not the focus, but the appropriateness of such books in a public school setting is questionable. OTHER IMPORTANT NC STATUTES Recently ratified SB 808: An Act to Prohibit Gender Transition Procedures for MinorsGender Transition for Minors limits medical transitioning procedures or to prescribe, provide, or dispense puberty-blocking drugs or cross-sex hormones to a minor. The statute makes provision for children that have disorders, under treatments for a variety of medical maladies, or suffer physiological abnormalities. The statute outlines penalties for violation of the statute. HOUSE BILL 574: Fairness in Women's Sports Act also became law. It will "prohibit male students from playing on middle school, high school, or collegiate athletics teams designated for females, women, or girls". It also will "require a student's sex to be recognized solely based on reproductive biology and genetics at birth for purposes of athletic participation." Changes in laws affecting charter schools were enacted in HB 219: The Charter School Omnibus. It clarifies requirements of charter application and renewal. It addresses enrollment in low performing schools. Admittance of out of state students and children of military families are also outlined. PROPOSED NC STATUTES The Pavement Education Project team supports SB 90: The Children's Laws Omnibus . The statute would support appropriate sexual education focused on abstinence, refusal skills, and consequences of out of wedlock sexual activites. It would provide a process for selecting appropriate books for classrooms and libraries. The statute also would require contacting parents if a child is at risk for suicide. Please sign out petition here . HB 187: Equality in Education would compel students, teachers, administrators, and school personnel to recognize the equality and rights of all persons and to prohibit pubic school units from promoting certain concepts that are contrary to that intent. The proposed law outlines what could not be taught in NC schools. It would protect free speech and allow for history of an ethnic group, impartial discussion, and instruction. For ALL STATUTES related to Elementary or Secondary Elementary Education click here. EDUCATION-K-12 House Standing Comm EDUCATION-K-12 Senate Comm CONTACT/JOIN OUR TEAM


    Reading and book resources, Lexile ratings, Destiny Discover Follett online card catalog, Manga and Anime, Graphic novels, Reading, Books, and More The Resources listed here are for parents, grandparents, and citizens. We want you to have the information needed to understand the numbers that educators are talking about, how to search for a book yourself, look at some good resources, and what to avoid. Please email us if you have questions. Understanding Lexile Reading Levels Using the Online Card Catalog Using Follett, the Online Card Clatalog Books We Love! What are Graphic Novels? What is Manga? What is Anime? Anime and Mental Health Video Games and Gaming Books Sora and Public Libraries Books with Awards and Medals Contact Us


    NC School Report Cards, DEI programs supported by Federal Tax dollars, ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT View the academic achievement of North Carolina students here. Choose the county, then the district. You may view academics as far back as 2015. The 2022-2023 scores have not been added to the NC School Report Cards as of 9-20-2023. A new report on the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction website includes test results from the 2022-23 school year. See the press report, Data Sets and Reports, and Resources below. The report shows students making gains in 2022-23 while the number of low performing schools increased. In order to fully understand the data, a closer examination of all student subsets will be needed. We leave it up to you to decide whether you are satisfied with the academic achievement of NC students. Did you look at the performance of subgroups? Are NC educators and the models being used, meeting the needs of all North Carolina children? You decide. Students Make Gains in 2022-23, Continuing Recovery from COVID Losses Accountability Data Sets and Reports Resources Growth in Administative Staff and Students since 2000 Allotted Average Daily Membership NC Education Trends Over Time Students At or Above Proficiency in Both Reading and Math Grades 3-8 NCDPI: NC State Testing Results (Green Book) 2 022-23 How are NC School Districts Spending Their Federal Dollars? Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Training for Teachers in Wake County WCPSS recently introduced their equity plan. View the document. Will this expensive initiative improve academic achievement or is it meant to transforrm student thoughts and beliefs about themselves and their families? An opinion piece written by Joshua Peters in The Carolina Journal highlights some of the issues with the WCPSS Pathways to Excellence and Equity plan. Contact / Join Our Team


    Resources for parents making decisions for their children. Resources for Parents Are you a parent or educator with concerns? Contact us. What Can I Do? Take Action Evaluating Books for Schools OPT Out or OPT in of Reproductive Health Lessons Online School Board Policy Manuals by District Plugged In by Focus on the Family exists to help families make appropriate entertainment choices in movies, TV, music, games, books, and youtube channels. OPT Out of Apps and eBooks Check the Books in My Child's School Recommended Reading... Books We Love Reading, Books, and More Local Groups in North Carolina Research the Schools in Your District Using Follett What is Social and Emotional Learning? CONTACT /JOIN OUR TEAM

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    Books read and recommended for all ages. Classic and contemporary books. Books We Love These are some of our favorite books. These clean reads help us to understand the trials and tribulations of our fellow man (or woman). Some are self help books. Some books are merely for entertainment. If you have a favorite you think should be on our list, let us know. This is a new page and we will be adding books weekly! Check back to find a new favorite! Amazon Links Books We Read and Loved OUTSTANDING HIGH SCHOOL READS Click on a photo to link to Amazon. Your purchase will support our work. Animal Farm by George Orwell The Crucible by Arthur Miller Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury Frankenstein: the 1818 Text by Mary Shelley The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom The Hobbit by J.R.R.Tolkien Lord of the Flies by William Golding Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass 1984 by George Orwell The Pearl by John Steinbeck The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemingway The Patriot's History Reader : Essential Documents for Every American by Larry Schweikart, Michael Allen, and Dave Dougherty The Story of the Trapp Family Singers by Maria Augusta Trapp A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Warrior's Don't Cry: A Searing Memoir of the Battle to Integrate Little Rock's Central High by Melba Pattillo Beals Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte You Have a Brain A Teen's Guide to T.H.I.N.K. B.I.G. by Dr Ben Carson Load More Amazon Links MIDDLE SCHOOL CLASSICS Click on the image to link to Amazon for a purchase. All purchases support our effort. The American Experience Storybook by Stephanie Meter NOT AVAILABLE ON AMAZON The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare (Author) Caddie Woodlawn by Carol Ryrie Brink The Chronicles of Narnia by C S Lewis Joni: An Unforgettable Story by Joni Eareckson Tada Little Britches by Ralph Moody Number the Stars by Lois Lowry The Phantom Tollbook by Norton Juster The Prince and The Pauper by Mark Twain Reaching for the Moon: The Autobiography of NASA Mathematician Katherine Johnson Swallows and Amazons by Arthur Ransome Tanglewood Tales by Nathaniel Hawthorne Up From Slavery by Booker T Washington The Watsons Go to Birmingham by Christopher Curtis Load More Amazon Links Excellent Reads for 3rd-5th Grade Students Smoky Mountain Survival (The Campground Kids: National Park Adventures) Book 2 by C R Fulton Crinkleroot's Guide to Knowing the Trees by Jim Arnosky The Chronicles of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander Goodnight, Mr Tom by Michelle Magorian Green Ember by S D Smith, Illustrated by Zach Franzen The Iron Giant by Ted Hughes (author) & Andrew Davidson (illustrator) Joey: How a Blind Rescue Horse Helped Others Learn to See by Jennifer Marshall Bleakley Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder The Little Kid Who Can by Terrence Williams Little Women by Louisa May Alcott Misty of Chincoteague by Marguerite Henry (Author), Wesley Dennis (Illustrator) My Name Is Tani . . . and I Believe in Miracles: The Amazing True Story of One Boy’s Journey from Refugee to Chess Champion by Tanitoluwa Adewumi Old Mother West Wind (Dover Children's Thrift Classics) by Thornton Burgess My Father's Dragon by Ruth Stiles Gannett The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett Skunk and Badger by Amy Timberlake and John Klassen Stuart Little by E B White Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle Load More Click on the image to link to Amazon for a purchase. All purchases support our effort. Amazon Links Primary Reads Click on the photo to link directly for an Amazon purchase to support our efforts. The Buddy Bench by Patty Brozo and Mike Deas Cork and Fuzz Best Friends Finding Winnie: The True Story of the World's Most Famous Bear By L Mattick The true story of how Captain Harry Colebourn, rescued and learned to love a bear cub in 1914 as he was on his way to take care of soldiers' horses during World War I, and the bear became the inspiration for A.A. Milne's Winnie-the-Pooh. Elephant and Piggie Can I Play Too? by Mo Willems Frog and Toad by Arnold Lobel Mr Putter and Tabby Pour the Tea by Cynthia Rylant Red, White, and Blue: Our Flag Matters to Me and You by Dr Ben Carson OWL DIARIES #16 by Rebecca Elliot. 100 Mighty Dragons All Named Broccoli by David LaRochelle Cicada Symphony by Sue Fliess Dozens of Doughnuts by by Carrie Finison (Author), Brianne Farley (Illustrator) Nobody Knows How to Make a Pizza by Julie Borowski If I Was a Horse by Sophie Blackall In Search of the Giant Arctic Jellyfish by Chloe Savage Jesus and My Gender by Dale Partridge The Snow Thief by Alice Hemming and Nicola Slater May I Pet Your Dog?: The How-to Guide for Kids Meeting Dogs by Stephanie Calmenson (Author), Jan Ormerod (Illustrator) My Grandpa, My Tree, And Me by Roxanne Troup and Kendra Binney Number One Sam by Greg Pizzoli Snuggle Up, Sleepy Ones by Claire Freedman A charming book about the animals snuggling down to sleep. Manu the Kiwi of Kindness by Rosie Chenault and Beth Siddom Load More Delightful Picture Books Click on photos to link to Amazon. All purchases support our work. Amazon Links

  • The Poet X |

    Acerca de ¡ADVERTENCIA! Estos extractos pueden ser explícitos e inapropiados para los niños. el poeta x Por Isabel Acevedo Editorial ‏ : ‎ Quill Tree Books; Edición de reimpresión (7 de abril de 2020) Idioma ‏ : ‎ Inglés Tapa blanda: 384 páginas ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0062662813 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0062662811 Extracto de la página 35 ...Estoy aprendiendo a acariciar... Extracto de la página 127 LIBROS EN CUESTIÓN


    Is Your Child Exposed to Explicit and Inappropriate Materials at School? Parents should check their child's school library for their participation in Banned Books Week activities. Some members of school staff are promoting books that should be restricted from minors and many would meet the definition of obscene material as described by NC state statute . Check the book reports posted on our partner site Rated Books . Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe All Boys Aren't Blue by George Johnson This Book is Gay by Juno Dawson The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky Tricks by Ellen Hopkins The Pavement Education Project supports the selection of appropriate materials for students. Check the locations page to see reports on books that are in many school districts in North Carolina. BOOK LOCATIONS/SCHOOLS North Carolina Association Encourages Banned Book Week This is a copy of a letter that the North Carolina School Library Media Association. Read about the various ways media specialists can celebrate Banned Books Week with public school students. NCSLMA Members, Banned Books Week is this week, September 22-28! Please explore THIS INFOGRAPHIC for some ideas on how you can celebrate with your students. Banned Books Week was launched in 1982 in response to an uptick in book challenges faced by libraries, bookstores, and schools. No one could have ever imagined that number would continue to grow to the frightening level we have seen during the past few years. We celebrate this week every year to help our students and patrons understand the importance of tolerance, respect, representation, and diversity in the printed words that surround us. Celebrating our right to read looks different for different levels. We hope some of these resources help you find an appropriate way to celebrate with your students! Here are a few things to consider as you plan: Rather than focusing on book bans, celebrating lower elementary students’ right to read might look more like a celebration of variety in your library collection. What if one day is all about the books in your library that feature the word “blue” in the title? Maybe another day is all about schools as a setting? And maybe yet another day is all about books that feature a bear as the main character? Displays, signage, and props can make it a great week to show off the collection! Upper elementary students might benefit from displays that showcase the gender, cultural, and racial diversity in your collection. Let them see themselves featured in a colorful display of awesome books! Middle school is ready to broach the subject of book banning. A display of age-appropriate, frequently challenged books can spark wonderfully complex discourse. They’ve got good questions. Answer them. For obvious reasons, the highest number of challenges are aimed at young adult books. They are most likely to feature the themes, characters, and events that some parents, administrators, and school boards find uncomfortable. That is understandable, and it also makes high school the perfect place to let students take the lead with Banned Books Week. Let them research the challenges and the whys. Let them choose the best way to showcase the books. Let them talk about the policies we have in place to ensure quality, appropriate literature for them. Let them ask you why you do -- and do not -- have certain titles in your collection. Then let them talk to the adults in their lives about all of it. There is a lot of uncertainty in our profession these days. There are a lot of distractions and extra responsibilities that sometimes make us forget why we wanted to become librarians. Banned Books Week can be a week to get back to one of the coolest parts of our jobs – helping students discover the freedom that can be found within the pages of a book. Happy Banned Books Week 2024! Sincerely, Lucy Wilcox NCSLMA Advocacy & Governance Director Check these NC School Websites, Links, and videos Durham County School Guilford County School American Library Association Wake County School Books can take children on new and exciting adventures, inspire them, and challenge them to be the best they can be. Books should be safe and developmentally appropriate, specially selected to support the curriculum and interest levels of the students. If you believe a book is unsuitable for children at your child's school, you should contact the school administrators. You will be able to challenge the book and it's placement in your child's school. We encourage you to also reach out to your legislators with your concerns. In our experience, some schools and districts are more responsive to parents than others. Legislators have it within their power to pass legislation protecting children that includes enforcement which is sorely needed in NC statute. Contact us/ Join our Team


    Understanding Lexile Levels, using Follett Online Card Catalog, Books We Love Reading Resources Understanding Lexile Levels The Lexile Framework is an approach to measuring a child’s reading ability and the evaluation of the complexity and difficulty of a text. Teachers use Lexile measures when charting growth of their students, planning instruction, and sharing information with parents. We all want students to read fluently with good comprehension. We also expect the complexity of text and understanding to increase as a child progresses throughout their educational career and into adulthood. Educators should guide students to “good fit books with just the right amount of challenge”. Traditionally these books would be a healthy balance between the student’s Lexile score and books that would be 50-100L above their measured score. To help citizens understand the Lexile system, the lowest Lexile number is 0L and the highest is 2000L. Any letters written before the numbers give information about the text and complexity. BR = Beginning Reader AD= Adult Directed Books ( books for adults to read to children) HL=High Interest but Low Complexity IG=Illustrated Guides GN=Graphic Novels Understanding the Numbers and Codes provides many resources including identifying the Lexile score of most books, tools to support instruction, word lists, and a Find a Book tab. This is a very helpful site, but please remember this site does not look at developmentally appropriate content, content that might be harmful, or standards or morals that you and your community may find objectionable. The Pavement Education Project recognizes that children need books and reading materials that they find interesting. They also should have regular books and materials within their Lexile reading range that will challenge their development. https://hub.le The Focus on the Family website called Plugged In has reviews and recommendations for books, movies, games, etc. Facebook groups like Book Reviews for Christian Families can also help you search for books for your kiddos. The webpage Lexile Find a Book can be a helpful tool when looking for titles, but remember, it does not screen for objectionable content. When purchasing books, Amazon and other book vending sites often include Lexile Scores in the product description on the left. Don’t forget to take a look at what your children are self selecting in the library and are using in the classroom. Look at the content and lexile levels. Knowledge is power! Our website hopes to include recommended reading lists in the not so distant future. Let us know if you would like to be part of a team of readers and reviewers. Where Can I Find Good Fit Books for My Child? Contact Us Using Follett, the Online Card Catalog to Locate Books Most North Carolina school districts uses the Destiny Follett management system to catalog books in school media centers. Students and teachers use it to search and access books and possibly other resources. Some districts may include eBooks, audiobooks, etc. as part of their subscription. Some of the features of the Destiny Follett system include easy search by author, title, or subject. The interest level and a basic reading level of the book is listed as well as the call number (or address of the book's location in the library). Recently, we are seeing descriptions of the books included. The system makes it fairly simple for the librarians to add new books. The site is accessible for students from school or home. Once they login to the district portal with their student ID, they can begin searching. The My Stuff tab at the top (only visible when logged in) allows students and parents to see what is currently checked out to them. We do not know if the setting can be adjusted to show all past books checked out to a particular student but we think that information could be beneficial for parents. The system allows for the creation of collections of books by topic (for students or teachers) by the media specialist or librarian. Unless the collection was created by the media specialist in that specific library, not all the books pictured might be available. However, book titles and descriptions shown could make it possible for them to be searched in other systems, like Sora, Libby, etc., and checked out perhaps through the public library system.The Destiny Follett system allows for parents, citizens, and the community to see what is available on the shelves of the library. We encourage parents to request the districts's policy in regards to adding books to the library. Does the policy allow anyone to donate books to the library? What books would be acceptable for donation? Will the librarian replace favorite classics like The Hungry Caterpillar or The Scarlet Letter if they are so worn that they need to be discarded? Some districts have unspoken policies that exclude books printed before the year 2000. Some of the classics and books you remember will may no longer be available to future students. Knowledge is power. Familiarize yourself with the library system. Did You Know? According to the Follett website, nearly $2 trillion in ESSER Funds are still available in 2024 to support schools and students. The website states Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Funds provide a significant boost to your learning initiatives. Follett is here to provide guidance on using ESSER Funds effectively using our unique analytical tools that can diagnose the strength and gaps in your collection. S ocial transformative books have been required as a funding qualification for recipients. If your state or district accepts ESSER funds, what is expected of them? Would You Like to Search a School or School District in our state? Go to or contact us. Contact Us Books We Love! UNDER CONSTRUCTION Graphic Novels Graphic novels are in the schools, public libraries, and colleges. The New York Times includes graphic novels as a category on its booklists. Struggling students and erudite academicians laud the benefits of the new genre. The Scholastic magazine, a chief proponent and distributor of graphic novels, defines the literary form as “any book in a comic book format that resembles a novel in length and narrative development.” Graphic novels incorporate benefits and shortcomings of both novels and comic books. HISTORY Graphic novels are akin to or the next iteration of the children’s comic book. The comic book, at its conception and infancy, had a wide variety of themes including superheroes. Yet, some people were concerned that comic books potentially would corrupt the young readers and retard their reading progress. These concerns led to the Comic Code Authority (CCA) tasked with ensuring the proper values were depicted in the comic books (Lloyd Sealy Library) . The themes of the comic books and their values were strongly compatible with the superhero theme and, thereby, undergirded the success of the superhero morality plays of the good hero overcoming and conquering the evil villain. Comic books soon became a lucrative literary venture. In 1986, Will Eisner introduced a new genre -- birthed from the comic book --the graphic novel. The expanded “comic book” was a collection of stories about a neighborhood in the Bronx. The format appealed to a new expanded reading audience. However, it was Art Spiegelman who brought the new literary format into popularity (Lloyd Sealy Library) . It resembled a novel in length and story line; however, the graphic novel’s story was driven by pictures and supplemented with only sparse text. Graphic novels not only differed from traditional comic books in their length but also subject matter. The topics ranged from classical literature to backstreet pulp fiction. Often, a graphic novel, then and now, departed from the innocence of the superhero’s overcoming the menacing, evil villain to more edgy subjects. RESEARCH Current research of graphic novels overwhelmingly touts the benefits. Educators report that graphic novels promote reading for the reluctant and poor readers, for the non-native English speakers, the unmotivated readers, and the beginning readers (Reader’Advisory Guide to Graphic Novels). They claim pictures help reading comprehension, and therefore, are valuable tool for developing cognition. Graphic novels are not just for the reluctant or poor reader but are also popular with older fluent readers. Graphic novels make complex literary classics comprehensible. The story line is more easily understood with visual images, rather than words. The Readers’Advisory Guide to Graphic Novels asserts that the genre promotes visual literacy for the 21 st century’s media demands. In addition to the academic advantages, emotionally, there is no shame associated with graphic novels as attested by the popularity with more skilled and older readers. FORMAT CONCERNS However, like the parents who were concerned about comic books of the 1950s, parents have their reservations about graphic novels. Though many may concede that graphic novels appeal to and motivate reluctant readers and help them comprehend subject matter, many parents are apprehensive, even cynical, of graphic novels’ net benefits for developing skilled readers and thinkers. Words are the tools of thinking. Relying on pictures for context promotes guessing for word meanings. Vocabulary is developed through reading and writing. A picture-driven story undermines both basic cognitive skills. Graphic novels cultivate passive, feckless learning habits. The mind is developed much like muscles. Effective learning requires resistance. Synapsis and memories are made stronger when effort is applied. Processing information from the words “requires constant voluntary attention” (Rossiter & Silberstein, 2001), whereas pictorial information processing is passive. Graphic novels reduce literature to an arid, anemic story line. The art of good literature is lost in the pictorial Cliff Notes approach. Divergent thinking is starved by the lack of literary devices. Learning is hard work and a lengthy process. One must ask at what point is the reluctant reader weaned from pictures to text. When will the underlying problem of poor reading strategies be addressed for the reluctant reader? CONTENT CONCERNS Sexually explicit pictures found in school library graphic novels incite emotional responses rather than reasoned ones. Being led by emotions (visceral responses) makes the reader easily manipulated. Often age-inappropriate, or sexually graphic novels have a low reading level (see Lexile Levels) and are accessible to younger children. Formats for comic books, graphic novels, and novels have cognitive relevance, but content should be the primary consideration for evaluating a book, not the conveyance. Content of graphic novels can be pornographic yet readily accessible for the youngest or poorest reader. Content is packaged to reach a certain audience. Judge the book by its format but then look inside and examine the content. Contact Us UNDER CONSTRUCTION What is Manga? What is Anime? Anime and Mental Health Awards and Medals What is the Difference Between YA and Adult Books? Who Wins an Award and Why? It can be puzzling. Writers, librarians, and parents don't always agree. YA ( industry abbreviation for Young Adult) novels are marketed for childr en 12-18 years of age. They are written about teenage characters with story lines meant to appeal to this age group; the category has ha d crossover into the adult market over the last several years. There lies much of the difficulty. Young Adult books are meant to be the next level of reading material after middle-grade fiction as teens transition to adult fiction. They are often coming of age stories. They are engaging and ma y have some level of romance between the characters, such as kissing but they should not contain actual sexual content. The readers and reviewers at the PEP are noticing more and more books labeled YA in middle and high schools with detailed sexual content, including bondage, violence and erotica. Parents must be alert to these sexualized books. We have quite a few listed on our website. Many have received awards of one kind or another. How did that book win that award? The American Library Association gives out many awards to authors and illustrators. One of the most notable is the Randolph Caldecott Award. The Caldecott winners must have outstanding illustrations and appeal to children ages 5-14. In the past, Caldecott winners and honor books were mostly picture or juvenile books that were chosen by parents and teachers to be read to younger students and children. They become favorites, not just because of the pictures but because the stories are entertaining, interesting, and age appropriate. According to the guidelines, in addition to the exceptional illustrations, the book should not be didactic in nature. If you have children, you are probably familiar with these books. Past Caldecott Winners and Caldecott Honor Award Winners Over the last decade there has been change. This One Summer by Mariko and Jillian Mamaki won a 2015 Caldecott Honor Award. Take a look at it and see if you would agree. Other graphic novels targeting middle and high school are also receiving recognition. My Friend Dahmer by Derf Backderf is an example. Backderf is a two time Eisner award nominee. His book My Friend Dahmer was recognized as a great graphic novel for teens by the ALA and won an Alex award in 2013. Obviously some graphic novels are not meant for children and the content may not be worthy of recognition. The John Newbery Medal is another prestigious award given yearly by the Association for Library Service to Children, a division of the American Library Association, to the author of the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children. Two favorites from the past were Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor (1992) and Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli (1991). More recent winners have been challenged due to controversial content and language more than obscenities, but not always. Several new awards have made an appearance on books in elementary and middle schools. Most students, parents, teachers, and librarians assume if a book won an award, it must be a good book. A closer look reveals books with agendas promoting values that are uncommon within most North Carolina communities. Here are just three examples of books frequently found in middle schools. George, Looking for Alaska, and Out of Darkness. George by Alex Gino i s a recipient of the following : Children's Stonewall Award, Lambda Literary Award, and Ch ildren's Choice Book Award. The first two awards are for exceptional merit relating to the gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender experience and content. Looking for Alaska by John Green won the Printz award, an award that recognizes the "best book written for teens, based entirely on its literary merit". While it was a quick easy read, It violated NC Statutes on Obscenity. It als o contained a glorified suicide. Out of Darkness by Ashley Perez is another example of an award winning book not appropriate for minors because it contains detailed depictions of incestual rape. The Alex Awards are given to ten books written for adults that have special appeal to young adults, The winning titles are selected from the previous year's publishing. These books all received the award over the last several years: Lawn Boy ; Gender Queer; Red, White, and Royal Blue ; and The Kite Runner. Take a look at excerpts under the book tab. We question whether these books are appropriate for young adults in a public school setting. They all violate NC Statutes regarding obscenity. The Pavement Education Project encourages you to be aware of the books your child selects from the media center, on class recommended reading lists, and books located in classroom libraries. We believe an award no longer ensures a book is fit for reading by a child, teen, or young adult. Furthermore, The American Library Association may no longer have the values and standards you and your family hold dear. Resources: American Library Association. Young Adult Library Services Association.

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    View obscene and harmful books located in NC schools North Carolina Book Locations Choose your school district to see book locations. If you don't see your district, contact us. We could use your help. You must be 18 years of age to view the links on district pages. DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT RATING SCALE CONTENT RATING SCALE Alamance-Burlington School System Alexander County Schools Asheboro City and Randolph County Schools Asheville City Schools Buncombe County Schools Burke County Public Schools Cabarrus County Schools Caldwell County Schools Carteret County Schools Catawba County Schools Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Chatham County Schools Cleveland County Schools Cumberland County Schools Davidson County Schools Durham Public Schools Edenton- Chowan County Schools Franklin County Schools Gaston County Schools Guilford County Schools Harnett County Schools Henderson County Schools Iredell-Statesville Schools Jackson County Schools Johnston County Schools Lee County Schools Macon County Schools McDowell County Schools Moore County Schools Mooresville Graded School District Nash County Public Schools New Hanover County Schools Onslow County Schools Orange County Schools Pender County Schools Perquimans County Schools Person County Schools Pitt County Schools Rutherford County Schools Surry County Schools Swain County. Schools Transylvania County Schools Wake County Public Schools Wilson County Schools ACTION STEPS Contact

The Pavement Education Project is composed of non-partisan volunteers who are concerned with the well being of children and the rights of parents and guardians. The PEP mission is to inform, engage, and mobilize parents and communities for positive change in education. Join our team to get involved.

The Pavement Education Project is a non-profit, non-partisan 501 (c)(4) organization. Any donations will go towards  projects that support educating and engaging North Carolina communities and families. Contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions. 

PEP is not a book banning effort, but offers parents and citizens an opportunity to see what books are available in NC Schools. It is up to parents and communities to take action.v

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